World of Yarn, Vol. 1 is available at Austin Central Library's shop (downtown Austin, TX) until the end of February 2025. It is also available online at Bun Bun Studio.
We are currently working on Volume 2! Subscribe to our Newsletter to get an email when it launches.

"World of Yarn" is a manga/comic written and illustrated by Jenna Bastian. She created her first characters based on her pet bunnies in the early 2000s and slowly formed her own world with everything she loved about fantasy and adventure. After improving in her art and story-telling skills, and with help from her fabulous editors and Kickstarter, Jenna published her first volume in 2023. She is currently working on the next volume for she has a long yarn to tell.

Volume 1 - Sally's Banishment: The day Sally's bakery was chosen to be one of the elite restaurants in Segenam City, she watches in despair when she accidentally kills the mayor's pet. The city mayor banishes Sally, only allowing her return if she brings Karpok, a master chef who can calm the beast's giant mother. Armed with wooden spoons, Sally sets off on her journey to Shiloh Oasis, the last known place of Karpok. She encounters magical beings, fights carnivorous butterflies, and joins former militia from the city. As Sally travels further, she unlocks hidden memories of her past, causing her to question her identity...

Big thanks to the Editors:
Jeffrey Seebachan, Laura Lovell, Serena Bastian, Natch & Amy Azure, Baily Hale, and the team's pets.
Volume 2 Status
We are a bit more halfway done with Chapter 6 (first chapter of Volume 2).Volume 2: Sally joins the Jupiter crew! She learns the sea life while searching for Karpok, the master chef and her ticket back home to Segenam City. They help out Windee Town, that was burned by varmints and go on a treasure hunt in the ruins of Nogarda Kingdom. There, she encounters more nobles, or dragon royalty, remembers and finds her childhood home, and discovers that she has unique powers of her own...

Thank You to our Patreon supporters, and Volume 1 backers on Kickstarter:
Nobles - radkemster, balina_elah, mistyrose
Pirates - Mana, Corina, Jenny Kat, Diana, Sara, Michelle
Villagers- Emily, Kimberly, Alexander

Patreon is a monthly subscription. Funds from this are used to keep the website running. There are three tiers available: $1 Villagers, $5 Pirates, and $10 Nobles.Patrons get access to project updates, manga-related sketches, videos, and manga creation tips. As well as their name in the Patrons page of the published manga.

Buy the artist, jennbasti, a coffee on Ko-Fi! Funds from this virtual tip jar are used to buy traditional art supplies like Copic markers and sketchbooks. And also for the artist to buy coffee from local cafes.